
At Aku Pest Control Malaysia, we understand the importance of a pest-free environment. Bed bugs are tiny, bloodsucking insects that have plagued households and businesses worldwide, and Malaysia is no exception. 

These unwelcome guests are notorious for their stealthy nature, making them challenging to detect until the infestation has grown. 

Whether you’re a homeowner, hotel manager, or anyone concerned about these nocturnal pests, understanding the signs of bed bug presence is crucial.

In this informative blog post, brought to you by Aku Pest Control Malaysia, we will shed light on the signs of bed bug infestations specifically in Malaysia. By being vigilant and knowing what to look for, you can take early action to prevent a small issue from becoming a major headache.

From mysterious bites to telltale traces left behind, we’ll explore the red flags that indicate a potential bed bug problem. So, let’s dive in and arm ourselves with the knowledge needed to keep these unwanted guests at bay.

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs, scientifically known as Cimex lectularius, are small, wingless insects that belong to the family Cimicidae. These blood-feeding parasites have been a nuisance to humans for thousands of years. 

While bed bugs are often associated with infestations in bedding and mattresses, they can also hide in cracks, crevices, and upholstery, making them challenging to eliminate once they invade a living space.

Physical Characteristics:

Habitat and Behavior:

Feeding Habits:


Health Concerns:

How To Identify And Get Rid Of Them

Bed bugs are notorious pests that can turn your peaceful night’s sleep into a nightmare. These tiny, blood-feeding insects are skilled at hiding in cracks and crevices, making them challenging to spot until an infestation becomes significant. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the journey of identifying bed bugs, understanding their behavior, and, most importantly, learning effective methods to rid your home of these unwanted guests. 


Physical Appearance:

Bed bugs are small, flat, reddish-brown insects that measure about the size of an apple seed when fully grown. They have a distinctive oval shape and are often mistaken for other bugs, so it’s crucial to recognize their specific features.

Bite Marks:

Bed bug bites can leave itchy, red welts on your skin. These bites are often arranged in a line or cluster on exposed areas of your body, like arms, legs, and neck. Keep an eye out for these distinctive bite patterns.

Fecal Stains:

Look for tiny dark spots or smears on your bedding, mattresses, or nearby furniture. These are often signs of bed bug feces, which appear as black or brown spots.

Eggs and Shells:

Bed bugs lay tiny, white, oval-shaped eggs, which can be found in cracks and crevices near their hiding spots. Look for shed bed bug skins (exoskeletons) as well, as they indicate the presence of growing nymphs.

Musty Odor:

Bed bugs release a sweet, musty odor from their scent glands. If you detect an unusual, unpleasant smell in your bedroom or living space, it could be a sign of a larger infestation.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs:

Isolate and Declutter:

Start by isolating infested items in sealed plastic bags to prevent further spread. Declutter your living spaces to reduce hiding spots for bed bugs.

Wash and Dry:

Launder all bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest heat setting. This kills bed bugs at all life stages.

Vacuum Thoroughly:

Vacuum your entire home, paying close attention to cracks, crevices, and hidden areas. Use a brush attachment to dislodge eggs and larvae. Empty the vacuum cleaner outside into a sealed bag.

Use Steam:

Steam cleaners can effectively kill bed bugs and their eggs on surfaces like mattresses, furniture, and carpets. Ensure the steam reaches at least 160°F (71°C).

Seal Cracks and Crevices:

Use caulk to seal cracks and crevices where bed bugs can hide. Focus on areas around baseboards, electrical outlets, and wall voids.

Mattress Encasements:

Invest in bed bug-proof mattress and box spring encasements to trap any remaining bed bugs and prevent them from feeding on you.

Consult Professionals:

For severe infestations, or if your efforts haven’t yielded results, consider hiring a pest control professional with experience in bed bug removal. They may use chemical treatments, heat treatments, or a combination of methods.

Prevent Future Infestations:

After successfully eliminating bed bugs, maintain vigilance to prevent their return. Regularly inspect your living space, be cautious when traveling, and avoid bringing used furniture into your home without careful inspection.

Remember that bed bug elimination can be a challenging process, and persistence is key. Regular monitoring and a proactive approach can help you keep your home bed bug-free.

How to treat bed bug bites?

Bed bug bites can be itchy and uncomfortable, but the good news is that they are usually not serious and can be treated at home. Here are some steps to help alleviate the discomfort and promote healing:

1. Wash the Bites:

The first step in treating bed bug bites is to wash the affected area with mild soap and water. This helps to clean the bites and reduce the risk of infection.

2. Avoid Scratching:

Although bed bug bites can be itchy, it’s important to resist the urge to scratch them. Scratching can break the skin and increase the risk of infection.

3. Apply an Antiseptic:

After washing the bites, apply an over-the-counter antiseptic cream or ointment to the affected area. This can help prevent infection and reduce itching.

4. Use Over-the-Counter Itch Relief:

Over-the-counter anti-itch creams or lotions containing ingredients like hydrocortisone can provide relief from itching and inflammation. Follow the product’s instructions for application.

5. Take Oral Antihistamines:

If the itching is severe, oral antihistamines (available over the counter) can be helpful. They can reduce itching and inflammation. Follow the recommended dosage on the product label or consult with a healthcare professional.

6. Use Cold Compresses:

Applying a cold compress (a clean cloth soaked in cold water) to the bites can help reduce swelling and alleviate itching. Avoid applying ice directly to the skin to prevent frostbite.

7. Keep the Area Clean and Dry:

To prevent infection, keep the affected area clean and dry. Change bandages or dressings as needed, especially if they become wet or dirty.

8. Monitor for Signs of Infection:

While bed bug bites usually heal on their own, it’s important to monitor them for signs of infection, such as increased redness, warmth, swelling, or pus. If infection is suspected, seek medical attention promptly.

9. Seek Medical Advice:

If you experience an allergic reaction to bed bug bites, such as difficulty breathing, hives, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, seek immediate medical attention.

10. Address the Underlying Issue:

Treating bed bug bites is important, but it’s equally crucial to address the underlying bed bug infestation in your home to prevent further bites. Refer to the previous section on how to identify and get rid of bed bugs for guidance on managing infestations.

While bed bug bites can be bothersome, they are generally not a serious health threat. Most people experience relief from the itching and discomfort with at-home treatments. 

However, if you have concerns or if the bites do not improve with home care, consult with a healthcare professional for further guidance and treatment options.

What is the Difference Between Bed Bugs and Fleas?

Bed bugs and fleas are both tiny, blood-feeding pests that can cause discomfort and annoyance, but they have distinct differences in terms of their appearance, behavior, habitat, and the way they affect humans and pets. Understanding these differences is crucial for effective pest identification and control.

1. Physical Characteristics:

Bed Bugs:

Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects with a reddish-brown color.

They measure about 4-5 millimeters in length.

Bed bugs have six legs and antennae, but they lack wings.

Their flat bodies enable them to hide in cracks and crevices, especially in and around bedding and furniture.


Fleas are also small, but they are typically darker in color, often appearing brown or black.

They are slightly smaller than bed bugs, measuring about 2-3 millimeters.

Fleas have long hind legs designed for jumping, which allows them to move quickly through fur or carpets.

They have a more compact, laterally compressed body.

2. Behavior and Habits:

Bed Bugs:

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects, meaning they are most active at night when humans are sleeping.

They feed on blood by piercing the skin with their mouthparts and typically return to hiding places after feeding.

Bed bugs prefer to stay close to their food source, usually within a few feet of their host.


Fleas are also active during the night but can be active during the day as well.

They infest animals like dogs and cats, feeding on their blood by biting through the skin.

Fleas are often found in pet bedding, carpets, and outdoor areas where pets frequent.

3. Hosts and Feeding Preferences:

Bed Bugs:

Bed bugs primarily feed on humans, though they can also feed on animals if humans are not available.

They are attracted to the carbon dioxide and body heat that humans emit.


Fleas are more commonly associated with pets like dogs and cats, but they can bite humans as well.

They are adapted for clinging to fur and can jump onto hosts.

4. Bites and Allergic Reactions:

Bed Bugs:

Bed bug bites often appear in clusters or a linear pattern on exposed skin.

They typically cause itchy, red welts that can vary in size.

While bed bug bites are uncomfortable, they are not known to transmit diseases.


Flea bites tend to be smaller and more concentrated around the ankles, lower legs, and feet.

They can cause intense itching and may lead to flea allergy dermatitis in some individuals.

Fleas are also potential carriers of diseases like typhus and tapeworms, primarily affecting pets.

5. Habitat:

Bed Bugs:

Bed bugs are often found in and around sleeping areas, including mattresses, box springs, and furniture.

They can also hide in cracks and crevices near the bed.


Fleas are commonly found in pet bedding, carpets, and outdoor areas where pets roam.

In summary, while both bed bugs and fleas are blood-feeding pests, they have distinct differences in terms of appearance, behavior, and preferred hosts. 

Identifying these differences can help you take appropriate measures for pest control and prevention, whether you’re dealing with a bed bug or flea infestation.


1. Where Will I Find Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are skilled at finding hiding spots in your home. Common places to find bed bugs include:

Mattresses and Box Springs: They often hide in seams, folds, and crevices.

Bed Frames: Look in cracks and joints near the headboard and footboard.

Furniture: Especially in seams and cushions of sofas and chairs.

Carpets and Rugs: Bed bugs can burrow into the fibers.

Wall Cracks and Baseboards: They may travel along walls and hide in cracks.

Luggage and Clothing: After traveling or bringing in used items.

Behind Wallpaper and Wall Decor: Especially near the bed.

Electronics: Rarely, they can infest electronic devices.

2. How Do I Check for Bed Bugs?

To check for bed bugs:

Inspect Your Bed: Look closely at mattress seams, folds, and crevices for live bugs, tiny white eggs, and dark fecal spots.

Examine Furniture: Check seams and cushions of upholstered furniture.

Inspect Bedding: Examine sheets, pillowcases, and other bedding.

Use a Flashlight: Bed bugs are nocturnal, so use a flashlight for a thorough inspection.

Consider Professional Inspection: If you’re unsure, consider a professional pest inspection.

3. What Should I Do If I Find Bed Bugs?

If you find bed bugs:

Isolate Infested Items: Place infested bedding or clothing in sealed plastic bags.

Clean and Vacuum: Vacuum thoroughly and dispose of the vacuum bag or empty the canister outside.

Wash and Dry: Launder infested bedding on high heat followed by a high-heat drying cycle.

Consult a Professional: Consider hiring a pest control professional for effective treatment.

Avoid DIY Extermination: DIY treatments can worsen the problem if not done correctly.

4. How Long Can a Bed Bug Live Within a Mattress Without Food?

Bed bugs can survive for several months without feeding. While they prefer to feed every 5-10 days, they can endure extended periods without a blood meal, especially in cooler environments. This resilience makes them challenging to eliminate.

5. Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Bed bugs are stealthy and can hide in numerous places. In addition to mattresses and furniture, they hide in cracks, crevices, and seams. They’re often found behind headboards, baseboards, electrical outlets, and even behind wallpaper. They may also infest luggage, clothing, and electronics, making them versatile and elusive pests.

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