Moth Control Service Malaysia

About Moth Control Service Malaysia

Welcome to AKU Pest Control, where we’re here to help you get rid of moths in Malaysia. Moths can be a real problem, especially for your clothes and things you store.

Our special “Moth Control Service” is made for homes and businesses. We use safe and eco-friendly methods to deal with the kinds of moths you find in Malaysia.

Our team has lots of experience, and we promise to do a good job so you can be happy and safe in a moth-free place.

Get in Touch With Aku Pest Control Malaysia For more Information


+60 11 5423 5802


+60 11 5423 5802


Common Moth Species and Problems in Malaysia

Understanding the specific moth species prevalent in Malaysia is crucial for effective control. Webbing Clothes Moths, Casemaking Clothes Moths, Indian Meal Moths, and Brown House Moths are common culprits.

Each species has unique habits and preferences, necessitating targeted treatments. Webbing Clothes Moths, for instance, target natural fibers like wool and silk, leaving behind unsightly holes.

Identifying the specific moth species enables us to implement precise control measures, ensuring efficient results.

Pests We Treat in Malaysia

In Malaysia, Aku Pest Control offers comprehensive pest control services to treat a wide range of pests that are commonly encountered in homes and businesses. Here are some of the pests we specialize in treating:

Moth Control Service Types

Residential Moth Control Service Malaysia

In your home, moths can wreak havoc on clothing, linens, and even carpets. Our residential moth control service is specifically crafted to address these issues. We begin with a thorough inspection, identifying the type of moth infesting your space. 

Our experts then implement targeted treatments, utilizing safe insecticides and pheromone traps to eradicate adult moths and their larvae. 

We also offer valuable guidance on preventive measures, ensuring a moth-free home environment for the long term.

Moth Control Service Types in Malaysia

Commercial Moth Control Service Malaysia

For businesses dealing with textiles, warehouses, or food storage, a moth infestation can lead to significant losses. 

Our commercial moth control service is geared towards swiftly addressing these concerns without disrupting your operations.

We conduct a detailed assessment of your premises, devising a tailored plan that combines insecticides, traps, and stringent sanitation practices. 

Our discreet services ensure your business remains moth-free, maintaining your reputation and safeguarding your products.

Common Types of Moth Control Service

Here are some Common Types of Moth Control Service we provide in Malaysia:

Clothes Moth Control

Clothes moths are a common type of moth that infests natural fibers such as wool, silk, and cotton. Clothes moth control services focus on safeguarding clothing, linens, and textiles from damage. This involves targeted treatments, proper storage recommendations, and inspections to identify infested items.

Pantry Moth Control

Pantry moths, also known as Indian Meal Moths, infest stored food products in kitchens and pantries. Pantry moth control services help eliminate these pests, prevent food contamination, and offer guidance on proper food storage practices to prevent future infestations.

Fabric Moth Control

Fabric moths, like webbing and casemaking clothes moths, target a wide range of textiles and fabrics. Fabric moth control services assess the extent of fabric damage and employ treatments that include insecticides, pheromone traps, and sanitation measures to eliminate fabric-damaging moths.

Food Storage Moth Control

Moths like the Indian Meal Moth and Brown House Moth can infest stored food products in both residential and commercial settings. Food storage moth control services focus on eradicating these pests, preventing food contamination, and offering guidance on proper food storage practices.

Service Area

Areas We Provide Pest Control Services Malaysia

We are committed to providing top-notch pest control services, encompassing termite management, to both residential and commercial spaces in Malaysia. Our coverage extends to areas such as Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Klang Valley, Penang, and beyond. Leveraging innovative technology and eco-friendly methods, we address the growing need for healthier spaces by tackling issues arising from pests like bed bugs, flies, rodents, termites, and more.


Providing Pest Control Services in PENANG


Providing Pest Control Services in Johor Bahru


Providing Pest Control Services in KUALA LUMPUR


Providing Pest Control Services in SELANGOR 


Providing Pest Control Services in SINGAPORE

About Aku Pest control

Hire a Professional Moths Control Service in Malaysia

When it comes to moth control, expertise matters. Hiring AKU Pest Control ensures you benefit from our in-depth knowledge of local moth species and their behavior.

Our trained technicians are equipped with the latest tools and methods, guaranteeing efficient and safe moth eradication.

We prioritize the use of eco-friendly solutions, safeguarding both your property and the environment.

Benefits Of Hiring a Moths Control Professionals

Choosing AKU Pest Control for your moth control needs offers numerous advantages. Our services provide effective results, preventing damage to your textiles and stored products.

By investing in professional moth control, you save money on replacing costly items affected by moth infestations.

Additionally, our eco-friendly approaches prioritize the well-being of your family, customers, and the environment.

With our services, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing your property is protected.

Booking Moth Control Services In Malaysia

Ready to experience a moth-free environment? Booking our professional moth control service is simple. Contact us today to schedule an inspection and consultation. Our friendly team will guide you through the process, answering any questions you may have and ensuring prompt and efficient service delivery. Don’t let moth infestations disrupt your peace—trust AKU Pest Control for reliable, effective, and eco-friendly moth control solutions in Malaysia.


+60 11 5423 5802


+60 11 5423 5802


Cost Of Moth Control service in Malaysia

The cost of moth control services varies depending on factors such as the severity of the infestation and the size of the affected area. At AKU Pest Control, we offer competitive and transparent pricing. Our quotes are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you receive high-quality services without breaking the bank. For a personalized quote, please reach out to our team, and we will conduct a detailed assessment of your moth control requirements.

Let us help

frequently asked question about Moth control solution in Malaysia

These are common questions asked by our valued customers.

Hiring a pest control company ensures expertise, safety, and thoroughness. Professionals have the knowledge and tools to handle pests effectively, reducing the risk of re-infestation and potential harm.

Results after pest treatment can vary but may typically be noticeable within a few days to a few weeks.

We offer a wide range of pest management services, including prevention, inspection, treatment, and maintenance for common pests like ants, rodents, termites, and more.

The cost of pest control services in Malaysia varies based on factors like pest type, infestation size, and property size. Please contact us for a personalized quote.